The Parties Are Over.

parties are over side 1
parties are over

Our promotional flyer ” The Parties Are Over” is available for download by clicking below. The file is PDF print quality. Please feel free to download, print and distribute.

6 thoughts on “The Parties Are Over.”

  1. Richard Harrison

    I agree it should be black and white and there lack of a “vote freedom” message or any kind of recognisable or explained branding or style on the front side is a shame. The FP and tick means nothing to the average bod. I would sooner produce something myself that is simply black and white and does not suffer from reversed-out text therefore will not chomp through toner or ink. Also black on white is just easier for most people to read.

  2. I agree with Caroline Power. Also the bold ‘Flag’ i s on a different download page to the informative text. You can’t even scale it down satisfactorily tp fit one page, landscape or otherwise

  3. Love it!
    I’m off to the printers with this for the next election - in 4 years here, unfortunately, unless we can persuade them to call a general election! 😁

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