The Vote Freedom Project now has a Telegram channel and chat group. Membership of both is by invite and the relevant links are below. Currently the content is largely duplicating that on the website but that will change going forward. The chat group provides a valuable discussion forum for our supporters.
We are a young and new organisation run entirely by volunteers. More and more people are coming on board to help us organise effectively to provide effective and viable political opposition to the tyrannical agenda. But we need more help and especially with social media. If you can help by taking on any of the following tasks then please email [email protected].
-Moderating our facebook group
-Moderating and approving comments on website posts.
-Administering our TikTok and Twitter accounts.
You will be supported and provided with guidance in any of the above tasks but we do ask that you commit to the role for at least 6 months.
Telegram Links
I have tried to follow the links above but safari keeps telling me that the addresses are invalid. Is there some other link I can follow to get more information please.