Author name: A Smith

jonathan tilt mayor campaign

Not 4 Sale

Vote Freedom Coordinator Jonathan Tilt is standing for election as West Yorkshire Mayor on 2nd May 2024. As the only independent on the ballot paper he has a real chance of causing a significant upset. But as always we really need your help to try and get Jonathan elected on 2nd May. Details below on …

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yorkshire flag

Jonathan Tilt. LSB interview

Jonathan Tilt was interviewed by Kris Brooks from LSB films. Jonathan and Kris discuss the West Yorkshire mayor campaign, why elections are a unique communication opportunity. They also delve into the dangers of supporting the freedom fraud that is Reform UK. Link to interview here

Buses, trains and bikes. Can you escape from a 15 minute zone?

An interesting and sinister development.Public transport and to a lesser extent cycles present a real problem to those trying to impose 15 minute cities on us.Trains, buses and bikes offer a means of escape from the control zones. Previously they’ve been presented as not cars and therefore ” a good thing” in the simplistic virtue …

Buses, trains and bikes. Can you escape from a 15 minute zone? Read More »

noise broadcast symbol

Wake Up !

By Graham Hemmings. Seriously y’all, wake the hell up!So much has changed since 2019:Pandemics, crashed economies, failing institutions, schools and hospitals literally collapsing, Net Zero, climate “crisis” - the manufactured reasons to be fearful and compliant goes on and on…Do you think it is just coincidence or incompetence?Fear makes you dumb, deaf, and blind and …

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