Steve Hatton

Steve Hatton

Marple North Ward


Born in High Lane my wife and I raised our family in Marple since 1999 and love our unique community and shops. I never expected or wanted to be involved in politics but my fears for Western lifestyles & freedoms have built to a crescendo in recent years. I feel compelled to challenge uncomfortable truths which millions of people are now beginning to question. A career with global food businesses alerted me to the dangerous power which Corporations hold over debt - ridden governments. In 2011 I left rat race to launch a local Lawn Care business which I closed in 2021. This was due to a nagging concern around the chemicals we allow into our land.

Have you wondered why bank branches and cash are being sidelined? Along with most other nations the UK is developing a new currency which could replace money altogether. Take a look into Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which would allow Bank of England oversight to all your transactions. Because this will be programmable by bureaucrats our purchases could be limited at point of purchase. Imagine: - “PURCHASE DECLINED – you exceeded your Carbon Credit limit”. Can you see where this is going?

I was an early adopter of Recycling and Solar Panels but research has made many people question a Green Movement which stifles scientific debate whilst promoting fear amongst our young. Ordinary people seem to be vilified - never the polluting Mega-Corporations, Leaders or their private jets!

Whilst media distract us with Celebrities there have been a series of brazen attacks on our freedom within 10 recent government Bills. Basic Protest Rights have been threatened, Genetically Modified Foods have been approved without any labelling protection and even online free speech has been targeted. Find out more at


I will:

Protect local businesses from national parties who favour Big Business

Campaign to make cash welcome everywhere - including car parks

Ensure your money is spent on things that matter (eg. our drains)

Question Net Zero policy by ensuring independent climate experts are heard

Be accountable to you and not political party bosses

End the lip service shown to public consultations - everyone must be heard!

Steve was interviewed by Kaela Banthorpe. He discusses why he is standing and what he hopes to achieve you can watch the interview here

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