ken moore

Ken Moore. Norton Ward. Dudley.

I have lived in Stourbridge since 1989. I am a retired teacher and have long enjoyed being part of the local music scene and philosophical study groups. I stand as Independent for Norton to try and raise awareness and provide a choice from the mainstream parties as well as an alternative for ‘homeless voters.’ Who can really represents the ordinary people without having to follow party policy?

.Independent to reflect concerns regarding effects of 5G. (see picture below of local 5G tower)

. Independent to stand for freedom of choice and bodily autonomy

Most eligible voters don’t use their vote. If they were to then change could happen.

Independent to prevent restrictions on car usage due to climate alarmism. “15 minute” zones with fines for leaving your area by car more than your set quota are being piloted in Oxford and elsewhere. “Low Traffic Neighbourhoods” are being introduced in Kings Heath, Moseley and Lichfield. Such top down imposed schemes are being discussed in Town Halls throughout the UK.


Independent to ensure your money is spent on what matters and not on fashionable political projects such as the West Midlands Cycle Hire Scheme with their docking stations. Cost £4 per hour to use.


Independent to encourage local grass roots initiatives in the community.

Here are inspiring ideas by Katherine Macbean which can help local initiatives:

The People’s Food and Farming Alliance champions food sovereignty and security,
for The People, by The People.

People’s Health Alliance: For The People, by The People. An organic, people-led, integrated health initiative that aims to educate, support and empower people to take responsibility for their own health.


Independent from following top down globalist agendas such as “net zero” implemented through local councils by politicians who tow the party line.


Independent so that local businesses are not penalised in the future by any additional carbon based business rate charges.

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