Silver End. Braintree District Council.
Annetta Hawkins
- I am a resident of Silver End and not affiliated with any political party. I will work solely for the benefits of the residents of Silver End, and not for the benefit of a wider political party.
- Local decision making has been hijacked by the global 2030 agenda. Local people’s views are often overlooked, such as the “Trial Periods ” now implemented, without consultation on the recycling online booking system. We must ensure this is not allowed to happen with the global push towards 15 minute neighbourhoods.
- I will feedback important agenda points from council meetings, keeping residents updated with items such as how the £2 million “ Levelling up” budget is being allocated with regards to migrant accommodation.
- I will work with local residents to bring transparency regarding for the “ Special Responsibility payments” paid to councillors.
- With rising costs affecting us all, it vital important that a closer inspection of council spending is undertaken, particularly as another 3.5% increases in Council Tax has recently been agreed.
- More people than ever are using log burning stoves in order to keep warm as central heating costs become unaffordable. There is currently a push to abolish the use of Log burning stoves, or to apply a yearly cost to have their efficiency monitored. This could be in excess of £300 per year if this legislation is passed.