Amanda Griffin

Penistone East


My name is Amanda Griffin I’m Standing in the ward where I live which is Penistone East. As an Independent candidate supported by the Vote Freedom Project my alliance is with the constituents not a political party, as should be the case for all candidates. Sadly over the years the various political parties have crept onto local councils meaning they were prioritising their political agenda rather than looking after our interests.

My sons are grown up now and I have 2 young grand children. I have manged to avoid politics for 59 years just tootling along minding my own business, I could travel where I wanted and my body was under my control, this all changed in 2020 with the mass hypnosis of the public ,orchestrated by the government and powers above. As a hypnotherapist and counsellor, I recognised the covid scam immediately and the psychology being used to con the public. I did some digging around into who controls mainstream media and was shocked and stunned by my own naivety.

As much of my job is listening to client’s struggles and issues I have become angry at how we are being manipulated, gas lit, used, controlled, our children groomed by the authorities. So here I am reluctantly applying to be a councillor because I feel someone has to do something.

Contact info;

[email protected]

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