Penistone Campaign (Free Bacon Sandwiches)

penistone leaflet

Vote Freedom are supporting two independent candidates in Penistone, South Yorkshire. Paula Button-Roberts in Pensitone West and Amanda Griffin in Penistone East.

The wards have about 12000 households and we are trying to leaflet them all. Penistone has a history of electing Independent candidates and with Paula’s high local profile we genuinely believe we have a good chance of success here.

But we desperately need help with getting the leaflets out.

We will be leafleting from 10am to 1pm on both Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd May and Paula (who is the local butcher) is offering free bacon sandwiches to anyone who comes along to help. Meet at the market and email [email protected] to let us know if you will be there.

If either Amanda or Paula were to be elected it would provide the freedom movement with a powerful platform in South Yorkshire.

With apologies to our vegetarian supporters who are reading this.

1 thought on “Penistone Campaign (Free Bacon Sandwiches)”

  1. Many thanks to Amanda and Paula. This is a very, very good campaign…..
    I can’t be there, but I wish you much luck in giving good common sense politics a chance..

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