Vote Freedom Coordinator Jonathan Tilt is standing for election as West Yorkshire Mayor on 2nd May 2024.
As the only independent on the ballot paper he has a real chance of causing a significant upset.
But as always we really need your help to try and get Jonathan elected on 2nd May. Details below on exactly how you can help.
Promoted by Jonathan Tilt. 18 Moorlands View . HD8 9QH.
Explaining why he’s standing Jonathan said
” My aim is to give the voters of West Yorkshire a meaningful choice. A chance to challenge the net zero lunacy which will make us all poorer, hungrier and much colder. A chance to ditch the captured and controlled political parties. But above all as the Police and Crime Commissioner I will guarantee that there will be no enforcement of any future lockdown restrictions in our county. So above all else this election is a referendum on lockdowns.”

The campaign election address is being delivered to all registered voters in West Yorkshire.

Along with Suzanne Harbourne I will be hosting a campaign presentation in Armley on Thursday 25th April. Details on the flyer opposite. Please come along and ask any questions you have. The focus will be on challenging the net zero controlled consensus and detailing how we will derail climate alarmism in West Yorkshire.

Our campaign schedule is detailed on the attached flyer. Please feel free to circulate. We really need as much help as possible with leafleting. If you can’t make these dates but would like to leaflet in your locality please get in touch.