The Vote Freedom Project offers a completely new approach to UK politics- decentralised co-ordination.
We are not a political party in disguise and will never attempt to have the centralised infrastructure, rule books and top down management that come with a political party.
We do offer candidates focused and valuable resources and support that facilitate them standing as freedom independents at elections in their town ,constituency or county.
We don’t have leaders. But we do have a small coordination committee. The coordinators all come from the wider freedom community. Their role is to ensure that the potential of the Vote Freedom Project is fully realised. Our current co-ordinators are introduced below along with the parliamentary constituencies in which they plan to stand at the next general election.

Jonathan Tilt
Wakefield West and Denby Dale.
Jonathan is an acupuncturist and former accountant who has spent much of the last three years using the political arena to provide resistance to the state tyranny.
As a founder and former leader of the Freedom Alliance party Jonathan initially used a formal party structure to support over 200 candidates in a range of elections. He has stood himself in the Batley and Spen parliamentary by election and Kirklees council elections.
Through election campaigning Jonathan realised that there was intense hostility to political parties within both the freedom movement and the wider public and that a different approach was needed to getting freedom campaigeners elected. Equally the highly centralised nature of political parties is completely at odds with the decentralised solutions we wish to see throughout the economy and society. This resulted in the development of the Vote Freedom Project.
Politically Jonathan’s main interests lie in monetary policy and how debt based money is used to enslave the population. He has campaigned on this subject for about 20 years

Katherine Macbean
North East Somerset.
Katherine is a founding member of the People’s Health Alliance and the People’s Food & Farming Alliance. Her career has predominantly been focused on developing new/small businesses from a variety of sectors, with a large focus on the agricultural sector. This is where her realisation of the immense corruption throughout all major industries was born, and she has vowed to build the new and adjust the old for many years.
Katherine has felt passionately, for decades, about returning power and choice back to the people, naturally devolving central powers.
Katherine is an engaging speaker, harnessing her skills with communication to help grassroots groups reach people across the world and inspire them to take action.

Denise Boot
Denise is a self employed yoga teacher, running a successful business in Bristol, where she resides. Denise cares passionately about individual health, societal health & the health of the planet. She strongly believes in the interconnectedness of everything & everyone. Having travelled extensively & lived & worked as a yoga teacher in ashrams all over the world, she has firsthand experience of other ways to create a society & live harmoniously.
Since her teenage years, Denise has been a political activist & truth seeker with a particular interest in disarmament, food politics & the efficacy of global capitalism.
In response to the events of 2020 & 2021, Denise sought a way to stand up to the tyranny & volunteered as Party Secretary with The Freedom Alliance.
She is pleased to continue to work with Jonathan Tilt & for our freedoms here at The Vote-Freedom Project.
Denise answers all your e-mail queries.