queens park crewe

Cheshire East Unitary Council.

Vote Freedom are endorsing and providing support to ” Putting Crewe First” candidates who are standing for the Crewe wards of Cheshire East Council on 4th May.

The candidates and their respective wards are

Ireneusz Kryczka - Crewe Central

Jackie Barthelmes- Crewe East

Helen Elliott- Crewe East

Richard Ford- Crewe East

Brian Silvester- Crewe North

Toni Mortimer- Crewe South

Tom Maguire- Crewe South

Geoff Palin- St Barnabas.

Stephen Macallan- Crewe West.

Daniel Porter- Crewe West

Aditionally Putting Crewe First are also standing candidates for all 20 wards of Crewe Town Council. The details of their candidates who are all endorsed by Vote Freedom can be found here .

Brian Silvester of Putting Crewe First was interviewed by Kaela Banthorpe for Vote Freedom.The interview is on our YouTube channel here.

More information about Putting Crewe First is available here

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